Cyclurban Slovakia launched in October 2018.

In October 2018, Slovakia joined the overarching project under the title ‘Cycling as an Element of Urban Climite Mitigation Policy’ (Cyclurban) that aims to advance cycling as a measure for sustainable urban mobility and climate mitigation on a local level. In particular, the project, which is supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), will look at the current situation and develop measures to strengthen cycling mobility in the areas infrastructure, policy and planning, services and promotion, also taking into account new developments such as e-bikes and cargo bikes.

ideas into energy gGmbH is in charge of the policy assessment and policy recommendations in Slovakia, and it will also participate in the reflection of national workshop and support the Slovak partner Cycling Coalition in its organisation and implementation. The workshop will identify the key problems hindering the further development of cycling that Slovakia (esp. The City of Bratislava) is currently facing, and solutions to overcome these challenges should be also presented at the workshop in Bratislava in February 2019. The workshop will be the final activity for Slovakia under the framework of Cyclurban project. The written output of the project will be a manual describing financial and legislative steps that should improve the knowledge-based decision making at local and national level.

With regard to the upcoming activities of the project, reflection of national experience and discussion on the way forward regarding bicycle-friendliness, tools and approaches will be discussed at the partner workshop in Hamburg in mid-November 2018. Except of Bratislava (Slovakia), the following five target countries will be presenting their interim results: Tartu (Estonia), Riga (Latvia), Warsaw (Poland), Velika Gorica (Croatia) and Vrilissia (part of Athens, Greece).

The project, which is running from November 2017 until February 2020, is led by the Baltic Environmental Forum Deutschland (BEF DE).