Berlin, September 30, 2019 – Pakistan’s economy is heavily agricultural. The sector accounts for almost 20% of gross domestic product, with about half of the population active in it.
A consulting project supported by GIZ Pakistan, initiated by ideas into energy and supported by a consortium of water and energy experts from Germany aims to establish the exchange of know-how with Pakistani decision-makers on innovative solutions in irrigation management with the use of solar energy.
On the German side, Irriport, a consultancy specializing in irrigation solutions, and 8.2 Renewable Energy Experts, which specializes in renewable energy projects and operates in Pakistan, being supported by eclareon, are involved in the project.
By November 2019, a market analysis of the potential of irrigation solutions using solar technology in Pakistan will be prepared and made available on the Internet for free. In addition, a trip is organized by German irrigation experts to Pakistan and a study trip to Germany for Pakistani experts from agriculture.
The market study, the trip and the study trip identify up to three pilot projects for various exemplary agricultural applications in Pakistan, which have a high potential for dissemination. With the help of GIZ and local partners, the selected projects shall be further developed and realized by the end of 2020.