Public notice: Negotiated award without a call for competition under the sub-threshold procedure (Unterschwellenvergabeverordnung, UVgO) for a consultancy project in Afghanistan.

Within the framework of a grant project, funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, ideas into energy invites tenders in the period 8 December 2020 to 18 January 2021 for a work package to advise the Afghan association Afghanistan Renewable Energy Union (AREU) and to develop, implement and disseminate a quality certificate for PV installations (“PV-Passport”).

This call for tenders will be carried out as a negotiated procedure without a call for competition, which is why ideas into energy will inform the public about the call for tenders in this way in accordance with §30 UVgO. As no competitive tendering procedure will be carried out, no unsolicited offers can be considered.