As part of the cooperation between Cyclurban+ project and, an online webinar on the topic of “Development of Bicycle Transport and Its Support from EU Funds” was held on 2 September 2021. After a brief presentation of the project and the survey results on the financing of bicycle transport in Slovakia, the presenters addressed the issue of effective and meaningful development of this form of sustainable mobility, pointed out frequent mistakes in the implementation of bicycle routes and also provided information on a new call incentivising the deployment of bicycle transport from the Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP).
On this occasion, the partners solemnly launched an Online Platform focused on financing bicycle transport in Slovakia. According to the results of the survey, which involved a total of 130 local authorities, cities, municipalities and city districts in the spring of the previous year, local authorities are requesting a comprehensive overview of available instruments for cycling infrastructure financing. The platform was, therefore, a direct response to their demand, encompassing funding from the Recovery Plan, calls from the current as well as the forthcoming programming period of the EU Funds, not forgetting local grants or funds from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (NFM).
The result of the mutual cooperation is the availability of this platform and subsequent project calls to local authorities free of charge on the portal.