Project Highlights
- New educational film on 10 innovative solar technologies.We are excited to announce the release of an English educational film (with subtitles) showcasing 10 innovative solar technologies that promote the global energy transition. The film was produced as part of the SolarSchools project in collaboration with presented by danilo and is available on the project’s YouTube channel, “SolarSchools.” The film explores and highlights… Continue reading New educational film on 10 innovative solar technologies.
- New Solar Universities website.We are excited to announce the launch of the new Solar Universities website, a further step forward in our commitment to advancing renewable energy education globally. As part of the ENABLING PV initiative, the Solar Universities project connects universities, academic institutions, and solar industry to foster cooperation and drive the energy transition. The new website… Continue reading New Solar Universities website.
- First Solar School in Kyrgyzstan opens – Promoting sustainable education.On October 28, 2024, the first Solar School in Kyrgyzstan was officially inaugurated as part of the ENABLING PV project. The National School-Lyceum for Innovative Technologies, named after A. Moldokulov, was equipped with with a PV system and experimental kits to provide students with hands-on experience in solar technology. A key element of the initiative was a training session… Continue reading First Solar School in Kyrgyzstan opens – Promoting sustainable education.
- Cyclurban continues! Its enhanced version for Slovakia began in October 2019.On 1 October 2019, ideas into energy started to implement a follow-up of the successful Cyclurban project which for Slovakia finished in February 2019. Cyclurban+ (Mobility change, not climate change) is continuing where the first project concluded and is building on the tasks already done in the framework of its predecessor. The Cyclurban+ project aims… Continue reading Cyclurban continues! Its enhanced version for Slovakia began in October 2019.
- Inauguration of the new Solar School in Armenia.On June 25, 2024, the Photon Gymnasium in Gyumri celebrated a significant achievement with its inauguration as a Solar School, underscoring its dedication to sustainable education and renewable energy integration into the classroom. This event highlighted the Gymnasium’s efforts to lead by example in promoting environmental stewardship and innovative learning. The ceremony began with an… Continue reading Inauguration of the new Solar School in Armenia.
- Release of policy paper within the study project on distributional impacts of Carbon Pricing in CEE.As part of the “Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing in CEE” project, ideas into energy has published its latest policy paper, which addresses the policy options available to German decision-makers to ensure that the European green transition, which relies primarily on market-based carbon pricing mechanisms, is equitable and leaves no one behind. The paper outlines… Continue reading Release of policy paper within the study project on distributional impacts of Carbon Pricing in CEE.
- Presentation of a feasibility study for the “KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin”.Berlin has set itself the goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2045 at the latest, and the “Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Program” (BEK) with its numerous measures is the central implementation instrument of Berlin’s energy and climate protection policy for achieving this goal. The lack of skilled installers has been identified as a key obstacle… Continue reading Presentation of a feasibility study for the “KlimaWerkstatt@Berlin”.
- Successful Stakeholder Dialogue in Romania within the study project on distributional impacts of Carbon Pricing in CEE.The European Commission maintains that the European Green Deal has a crucial social component that will ensure nobody is left behind during the transition to a new energy system. This is particularly challenging when it comes to carbon taxation or emissions trading models, such as the EU’s ETS, which are well-known to disproportionately affect the… Continue reading Successful Stakeholder Dialogue in Romania within the study project on distributional impacts of Carbon Pricing in CEE.
- Visit of Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock during the inauguration ceremony of the solar school “School No. 60” in Tashkent.On 01 November 2022, we had the pleasure to welcome German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and other high-ranking guests during the inauguration ceremony of our new solar school “School No. 60” in Tashkent. The solar school in Tashkent is already the fourth solar school in Central Asia to be included in the growing solar school… Continue reading Visit of Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock during the inauguration ceremony of the solar school “School No. 60” in Tashkent.
- Cyclurban+ presented recommendations on the topic of accelerating the use of traffic calming measures in Slovak cities and villages.On January 27, 2022, in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, a meeting was held to present the results of the first-ever survey of traffic calming carried out between Slovak cities and villages. The survey, which was implemented by ideas into energy together with a Slovak partner called Cycling… Continue reading Cyclurban+ presented recommendations on the topic of accelerating the use of traffic calming measures in Slovak cities and villages.
- Cyclurban+ and have launched the Cycling Funding Platform.As part of the cooperation between Cyclurban+ project and, an online webinar on the topic of “Development of Bicycle Transport and Its Support from EU Funds” was held on 2 September 2021. After a brief presentation of the project and the survey results on the financing of bicycle transport in Slovakia, the presenters addressed… Continue reading Cyclurban+ and have launched the Cycling Funding Platform.
- Administrative support for international grant projects for the application of sustainable energy and environmental technologies.ideas into energy is a non-profit organisation that promotes science, research, vocational training and development cooperation for the dissemination of sustainable energy and environmental technologies on an international level. We are currently carrying out projects in Europe, Africa and Asia. We implement international projects of policy advice, capacity development and technical education. For more information… Continue reading Administrative support for international grant projects for the application of sustainable energy and environmental technologies.
- Public Announcement: Award Procedure under the Regulation on Sub-Threshold Procurement (UVgO) for a Consultancy Project in Afghanistan.ideas into energy (Albrechtstraße 22; 10117 Berlin; Germany) awarded a work package for consulting the Renewable Energy Union of Afghanistan (AREU) and for the development, implementation, and dissemination of a quality seal for PV installations (“PV Passport”) to the German Solar Association (BSW) (EUREF-Campus 16, 10829 Berlin) as part of a grant project funded by… Continue reading Public Announcement: Award Procedure under the Regulation on Sub-Threshold Procurement (UVgO) for a Consultancy Project in Afghanistan.
- Public notice: Negotiated award without a call for competition under the sub-threshold procedure (Unterschwellenvergabeverordnung, UVgO) for a consultancy project in Afghanistan.Within the framework of a grant project, funded by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, ideas into energy invites tenders in the period 8 December 2020 to 18 January 2021 for a work package to advise the Afghan association Afghanistan Renewable Energy Union (AREU) and to develop, implement and disseminate a quality certificate… Continue reading Public notice: Negotiated award without a call for competition under the sub-threshold procedure (Unterschwellenvergabeverordnung, UVgO) for a consultancy project in Afghanistan.
- Education project brings photovoltaics to schools in Russia.Russia may not be the first country one thinks of when it comes to solar energy. But the fact, that this energy source is more than abundantly available there, is shown by a project involving the construction of solar systems in Russian schools – together with the pupils. Seven schools are already taking part and… Continue reading Education project brings photovoltaics to schools in Russia.
- Cycle Urban LESSONS-LEARNED REPORT.Within the report you will get a glimpse of the local cycling development in Tartu (Estonia), Riga (Latvia), Warsaw (Poland), Bratislava (Slovakia), Velika Gorica (Croatia) and Drama (Greece). Furthermore, the Cyclurban partner cities have each elaborated a bunch of recommendations which might give you another perspective on the matter.
- Cyclurban+ delivered the first Policy Brief to the Slovak Ministry of Transport and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.On 3 June 2020, ideas into energy together with Cycling Coalition presented the results and recommendations based on the analysis and the feedback gathered from Slovak local and regional authorities at the Ministry of Transport (MDV SR). In March and April, more than a hundred of self-governing regions, cities, towns and city districts were answering… Continue reading Cyclurban+ delivered the first Policy Brief to the Slovak Ministry of Transport and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.
- Cyclurban+ is getting feedback on financing instruments from Slovak cities.Since 12 March 2020, ideas into energy gGmbH together with a civic association Cycling Coalition, in cooperation with the Slovak Ministry of Transport (MDV SR), has been gathering feedback on financing instruments for cycling infrastructure development. The aim of the survey submitted to dozens of Slovak municipalities and self-governing regions is to evaluate the setting… Continue reading Cyclurban+ is getting feedback on financing instruments from Slovak cities.
- ideas into energy initiates the installation of two photovoltaic systems on the roof of a school in Moscow.Berlin, October 8, 2019 – On October 2, two photovoltaic systems were ceremoniously put into operation on the roof of a school in Moscow by the school rector, the German Embassy, the Swiss Embassy and the Goethe-Institute in Moscow. As part of a cooperation with the initiative “Schools – Partners of the Future” (PASCH) of… Continue reading ideas into energy initiates the installation of two photovoltaic systems on the roof of a school in Moscow.
- ideas into energy starts capacity building project on new solutions in irrigation management with solar energy for Pakistani decision-makers.Berlin, September 30, 2019 – Pakistan’s economy is heavily agricultural. The sector accounts for almost 20% of gross domestic product, with about half of the population active in it. A consulting project supported by GIZ Pakistan, initiated by ideas into energy and supported by a consortium of water and energy experts from Germany aims to… Continue reading ideas into energy starts capacity building project on new solutions in irrigation management with solar energy for Pakistani decision-makers.
- ideas into energy co-organised international training workshop on cycling in Bratislava.A civic association called Cycling Coalition organised a workshop focused on the development of cycling as a mode of transport in Slovakia. Except for a co-organiser, the non-profit company ideas into energy, numerous representatives of cities and municipalities, policemen from the Presidium of the Police Force, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Transport… Continue reading ideas into energy co-organised international training workshop on cycling in Bratislava.
- ENABLING PV Nigeria report update shows attractive investment conditions in the Nigerian solar PV sector.The current framework conditions in Nigeria paired with low cost photovoltaic equipment makes investments in the Nigerian PV sector more attractive than before. This is the main result of the updated business cases which are part of the recent study “Enabling PV Nigeria” which eclareon has written and published together with the German Solar Industry… Continue reading ENABLING PV Nigeria report update shows attractive investment conditions in the Nigerian solar PV sector.
- New solar online portal highlights outstanding PV reference projects in Nigeria and presents qualified solar suppliers.In Nigeria, the attitude towards solar power is still mitigated today as it is often heard that “Solar doesn’t work” because some initial projects may have underperformed in the past. But never mind, the market is professionalizing: Actual professional solar projects realized by the Nigerian solar industry for mid-sized power users such as companies, hospitals… Continue reading New solar online portal highlights outstanding PV reference projects in Nigeria and presents qualified solar suppliers.
- Cyclurban Slovakia launched in October 2018.In October 2018, Slovakia joined the overarching project under the title ‘Cycling as an Element of Urban Climite Mitigation Policy’ (Cyclurban) that aims to advance cycling as a measure for sustainable urban mobility and climate mitigation on a local level. In particular, the project, which is supported by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI), will look at the… Continue reading Cyclurban Slovakia launched in October 2018.
- Study “Enabling PV Nigeria” published.The German Solar Association published the study “Enabling PV Nigeria”, which was prepared together with eclareon, GOPA-International Energy Consultants and the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce Nigeria (AHK Nigeria), with support from the Foreign Office. The 73-page study, developed in the framework of a German-Nigerian Energy Partnership, outlines which business models for electricity generation… Continue reading Study “Enabling PV Nigeria” published.
- Let´s make solar work consortium presented a new online PV-calculator that assesses the economics of PV Diesel Hybrid system projects in Nigeria.In recent years, a silent revolution has been going on with solar power as it has reached price parity with generator-based power production in a number of regions. Even in Nigeria using solar energy has become cheaper than running diesel generators. Many Nigerians are not yet fully aware about the specifics of solar power’s new… Continue reading Let´s make solar work consortium presented a new online PV-calculator that assesses the economics of PV Diesel Hybrid system projects in Nigeria.
- RETech & GWP industry event 2018.The 2nd industry event presenting the current market trends in the waste and water management sectors in these six foreign markets will take place on the 8th of June 2018 at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) in Berlin. Last year, country reports for Ukraine, Serbia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates,… Continue reading RETech & GWP industry event 2018.
- Successful kick-off for the 1st URBAN ENERGY FORUM in Berlin.The URBAN ENERGY FORUM titled “Sector Coupling for Smarter Cities” took place for the first time on the 19th of April in Berlin during the Berlin Energy Week as an official side-event of the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2018. Nearly 100 international experts from 14 countries discussed the most pressing questions relevant today and offered solutions… Continue reading Successful kick-off for the 1st URBAN ENERGY FORUM in Berlin.
- Know-how and technology transfer in Argentina.Argentina’s energy supply is heavily influenced by fossil fuels. About 50% of the production is gas, 39% oil and about 1% is coal. The remaining 10% is generated from renewable energy sources, particularly hydropower. The country has to import its energy sources, especially liquified gas, from abroad, which reduces the country’s fiscal capacity. Over the… Continue reading Know-how and technology transfer in Argentina.
- Irrigation management in Iranian agriculture.Iran is at risk of an increasing lack of water due to climate change. This reinforced by increasing expansion and the use of previously untouched lands, the lack of irrigation management in agriculture and the use of outdated or misused technologies. To address this issue effectively there is a lack of up-to-date specialist knowledge about… Continue reading Irrigation management in Iranian agriculture.
- “Solar works, save money.”: Establishment of an online information portal for diesel-PV-hybrid solutions in Nigeria.In February, ideas into energy launched a project with the Renewable Energy Association of Nigeria (REAN) and numerous other partners from Nigeria and Germany to promote the spread of PV diesel hybrid solutions in Nigeria. Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country and the continent’s third largest economy. Nearly half of Nigerian citizens live in cities… Continue reading “Solar works, save money.”: Establishment of an online information portal for diesel-PV-hybrid solutions in Nigeria.
- URBAN ENERGY FORUM 2018: Sector coupling for smarter cities.Once again Berlin will be the centre for international stakeholders of the global “Energiewende” and will act as a hotspot for discussions of how to pursue and successfully implement the latest technological developments, specifically in urban environments. Therefore, the Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Network e.V. cordially invites to join the Urban Energy Forum 2018 on the 19th… Continue reading URBAN ENERGY FORUM 2018: Sector coupling for smarter cities.